The main purpose of the Fund is the provision of cash benefits to all permanent and pensionable employees of Kenya Power, Kenya Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd, and Nuclear Power and Energy Agency upon retirement, and where applicable, benefits for the dependents of deceased members.

Our Vision

A world-class quality of life in retirement for our members and beneficiaries.

Our Mission

To provide sustainable financial and health care support to our members and their beneficiaries.

Our Vision

A world-class quality of life in retirement for our members and beneficiaries.

Our Mission

To provide sustainable financial and health care support to our members and their beneficiaries.

Our Core Values

We undertake to always act morally and ethically. We will consistently demonstrate a high degree of probity in dealing with our stakeholders.

We are answerable to our stakeholders and the public for our actions, decisions, and policies including their administration, governance and implementation.

We give due respect to all the people we deal with and serve in a considerate manner.

We are committed to continuously learn and improve on our services to provide unique solutions to our members and other stakeholders.

We are guided by operational excellence, team spirit, cost saving measures and quality assurance in our services.

We are dedicated to serving our customers faithfully and ensuring that the assets entrusted to us are safeguarded.

Our Strategic Pillars
Our History


KPLC RBS established by then EAPL Co. LTD


Administered as an insured pension scheme


Administered by department within KPLC HR Division


Established the Orphan Trustee Program


KPLC RBS assets apportioned between KPLC and KenGen RBS


DB Fund closed and DC Fund was established


Administration transferred from KPLC HR to Secretariat


ISO 9001:2008 Certification/KPLC RBS rebranded to KPPF


Established Sakile Properties Brand


Moved to Stima Plaza Annex


The Income Drawdown Fund was Launched