
The Fund's Structure

Fund Benefits

Retirement Benefits

Normal Retirement

These are benefits paid to members after attaining a normal retirement age of 60 years and 65 years for members living with disability. The benefits payable include a lumpsum equivalent to one third of the total accrued benefits, the remaining two thirds is paid via an option to join an Income Drawdown Fund and receive monthly/quarterly/annual benefits or purchase an annuity plan from an insurance company.

Early Retirement

The benefits payable are similar to normal retirement benefits. However, in this case a member can retire voluntarily from the age of 50 to 59 years.

Withdrawal Benefits

These are benefits payable to members upon exit from employment due to termination, dismissal or resignation. Benefits payable include members’ accrued benefits portion and 50% of the employers’ accrued benefits. The balance of the benefits is accessed any time after attaining the early retirement age of 50 years.

Immigration Benefits

These are benefits payable to a member who permanently emigrates from the country. Benefits payable are 100% of the members’ accrued benefits at the time of leaving service.

Death in Service Benefits

These are benefits payable to beneficiaries of a member upon death. The benefits payable include, Accumulated Member Benefits and Group Life-Lump Sum.

Death in Retirement Benefits

These benefits are payable to beneficiaries of a member upon death in retirement. The benefits include outstanding accrued benefits incase of an income drawdown.

ILL Health Benefits

These are benefits payable in case a member becomes incapacitated as a result of ill health. The benefits paid are similar to early retirement benefits.

The Fund's Investment Objectives

Capital Preservation
Long term capital growth
Liquidity – maintain adequate level of liquidity
Return on investment - achieve agreed benchmarks

The Fund's Investment Objectives

Capital Preservation
Long term capital growth
Liquidity – maintain adequate level of liquidity
Return on investment - achieve agreed benchmarks


The members of the Fund comprise of active in service employees who were employees of the Sponsor as at June 2006, deferred members of the Fund and retirees. The Fund is managed by a Board of Trustees that is established under a Trust as required by the Retirement Benefits Act. The day to day running of the Fund is carried out by the Secretariat that supports the Board in meeting its objectives. The Secretariat headed by the Trust Secretary works in liaison with the Fund service providers that include fund managers custodians, actuaries, lawyers and auditors.

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